Termly Reviews
Children on our SEND register meet termly with the class teacher and sometimes the SENCo to discuss the progress of your child against set targets. This is the opportunity to receive assessment information, discuss successes, areas to continue to work on and set new targets as well as focusing on key strengths of the children.
This is called a 'graduated response' model:
- We talk about the assessments from the class teacher to give an indication of how your child is achieving
- We plan targets to ensure they can continue to make progress
- We actively work through the targets on the plan
- We review them at each meeting formally (the class teacher will review more regularly).
As a parent, we respect your input and work together in these meetings to ensure we are aiming for appropriate targets with your child. This is also the opportunity to comment on the successes and challenges of your child, in a constructive and safe environment. We also ensure we get the pupils views if appropriate.