Southroyd Primary School

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Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey, West Yorkshire, LS28 8AT

0113 3783 020

Southroyd Primary School

"Our vision is that our children leave Southroyd Primary School as Active Citizens- they have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm they need to succeed and are ready for LIFE"

  1. Day by Day
  2. Attendance


Attendance at Southroyd

We want our children at Southroyd Primary School to enjoy coming to school.

Research proves that there is a high correlation between school attendance and academic performance and success.

Absence from school is often the greatest single cause of poor performance and achievement. 

Ensuring children attend school is crucial for the welfare of children and safeguarding their wellbeing.

 Why is it so important to attend every day?

  • Each day’s learning builds upon those of the previous day and lessons are sequenced as a learning journey.
  • Reading the material and completing work independently does not compensate for the direct interaction with the teacher - this only happens when a child is in school.
  • Classes use discussions, demonstrations, experiments and participation as part of the daily learning activities, and these cannot be made up by those who are absent.

Are there other benefits to my child? 

  • Pupils with good attendance records generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more.
  • Having a good education will help to give your child the best possible start in life.
  • Regular school attendance patterns encourage the development of other responsible patterns of behaviour, useful life skills and resilience.

 What parents can do to help

  • Parents must model the value of education, including the high importance of attendance.
  • Make sure that your child goes to school regularly and arrives on time. This will help establish a good habit, which they will continue through life.
  • If your child starts missing school, work with the school to put things right. Make sure your child understands that you do not approve of him/her missing school.
  • If your child is ill or must miss school for some other reason, contact school immediately. If you ask for home-learning, make sure your child completes it.
  • Do not expect school to approve of shopping trips, birthday treats etc. during school hours. Arrange family holidays so that your child will not miss any learning.
  • Take an interest in your child’s school work and be involved in the school as much as possible-your child will value school more if you do.

School Council and Attendance

In the Autumn, Jo, the Learning Mentor discussed the importance of attendance with School Council and found out how the children viewed rewards for attendance.

The Council very much believed in the importance of promoting attendance and updated their thoughts on appropriate rewards and awards for children who improved their attendance or achieved school targets.

How do we promote and ensure good attendance?

  • We ensure Southroyd is a warm, welcoming and nurturing environment;
  • We ensure that pupils are safe and feel safe at all times at Southroyd;
  • We ensure the curriculum is accessible, interesting and appropriate for all pupils’ needs;
  • We help children to feel valued and like they belong to Southroyd  - encouraging events that create a sense of community and belonging
  • In an age appropriate way and in the context of manging their well being , we  encourage in pupils a sense of their own responsibility for being school ready and attending every day they can. Through assemblies and the curriculum we equip children with the life skills needed to take responsibility for good school attendance and punctuality appropriate to the child’s age and development.
  • We provide lots of fun  - activities, enrichment, opportunities that children want to come to school to do
  • We provide a sympathetic  and supportive response to any pupils’ or parental concerns/difficulties
  • We raise awareness of parents, carers and pupils of the importance of uninterrupted attendance and punctuality at every stage of a child’s education.
  • We promote good attendance in a child friendly manner to encourage self responsibility  -  using the acronym  attendance HERO ( here, every day, ready on time )
  • We ensure that parents have an understanding of the responsibility placed on them for making sure their child attends regularly and punctually
  • We report to parents/carers annually on their child’s attendance with the annual school report.
  • We contact parents/carers should their child’s attendance fall below the school’s target for attendance.
  • We provide support and if necessary challenge where attendance issues are identifies
  • We have procedures for monitoring and responding to pupil attendance and punctuality;
  • We work in partnership with pupils, parents, staff and Children’s Services so that all pupils realise their potential, unhindered by unnecessary absence.
  • We establish a pattern of monitoring attendance and ensure consistency in recognising achievement and dealing with difficulties.
  • We recognise and utilize  the key role of all staff, not just  the learning mentor and class teacher, in promoting good attendance.  

       We maintain and promote good attendance and          punctuality through:

  • Using clear  procedures for identifying, reporting and reviewing cases of poor attendance and persistent lateness
  • Supporting pupils who have been experiencing any difficulties at home or at school which are preventing good attendance.
  • Developing and implementing procedure to follow up non-attendance at school
  • Using a range of ever changing attendance promotions/positive reinforcement and rewards -  we join with  cluster wide campaigns, school council are consulted regarding what attendance awards should be given , individual children  and families who are supportively challenges received individualized feedback.  These rewards  and high profile events are discussed regularly with school council and staff and are subject to change according to need/ideas. 
  • 121 support of children as needed  - attention and focus from the learning mentor/use of assertive mentoring folders and techniques