Southroyd Primary School

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Southroyd Primary School

"Our vision is that our children leave Southroyd Primary School as Active Citizens- they have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm they need to succeed and are ready for LIFE"

  1. Global
  2. International School Award 2017
  3. Social Justice

International School Award: Social Justice

We will focus on Social Justice topics for the Spring half term linking Martin Luther King's birthday in January (17th) with World Social Justice Day (21st February) During this time we will use school assemblies to tie together learning about heroes of social justice from across the globe - this will link with our PSHCE topic for the half term "Going for Goals".

We will look at the contributions of key world figures in their strides towards social justice - including the contributions of Martin Luther King, Mohatmas Gandhi etc and use world songs to link our ideas together with our cooperative values of equality and our global concepts of social justice. At the same time, staff will be visiting Bachpan School in India to share our thoughts on global heroes and contributions to social justice.  We will take and share reflections from Southroyd children to friends and students in India during our visit to Bachpan in February 2017. We will use the visit to take materials presented by children in Southroyd.

We will form an after school film group who will produce animations and films on the subject of social justice, which we will take to share with our friends in India.


On 16th January, children were introduced to the United Nations Global Goals. Among them we looked at those relating to Equality and Social Justice. Assemblies followed about Martin Luther King and then Malala Yousufzai.


We will be more secure in our definition of our rights and expectations for justice.

We will continue to explore key world figures who have made a contribution to social justice.

For the youngest children we will consolidate concepts of what is fair (reception) by looking at traditional stories like Cinderella and fairy tales, where we can explore simple concepts of injustice.

Through school council we would consolidate our thoughts on equality and fairness and explore some of the key concepts that relate to social justice.

As an outcome we would be able to review the sections of our Equality policy, previously developed through the School Council.




School Council then asked class councils to think about what we could do to become heroes of justice within our own school, following some of the lead of the great heroes of social justice.


Heroes of Social Justice

Following the half term's focus on Social Justice and some of the world heroes, we asked the children how they can be "heroes of justice" at Southroyd and they come up with these definitions of equality.