Southroyd Primary School

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Littlemoor Crescent, Pudsey, West Yorkshire, LS28 8AT

0113 3783 020

Southroyd Primary School

"Our vision is that our children leave Southroyd Primary School as Active Citizens- they have the skills, knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm they need to succeed and are ready for LIFE"

  1. Learning
  2. The Southroyd Curriculum
  3. Assessment


What Do We Mean By Assessment?

All schools are required to have a system for tracking the attainment (i.e ability level) and the progress being made by every child.

Schools are free to assess children in their own way and Southroyd uses a system where children's attainment is mapped against their performance in Ks1 SATs where available, or performance in EYFS.

This enables school to monitor children's progress as they move through the school.

The government carries out national tests of children at the following stages of their schooling:

  • At the beginning of their Reception Year - known as a Baseline
  • At the end of Year 1 and 2 - tests on Phonic knowledge
  • In Summer, Year 4 take part in Multiplication Tables Check
  • At the end of Year 6 - known as the Key Stage 2 Assessment 

The Ks1 SATs were discontinued but children in Upper Ks2 took part in Ks1 assessments at school.

At Southroyd Primary we have decided to assess children's attainment and progress in Years 1-6 using a series of 'steps' and 'bands'. Please see the outline below for an overview:

  • At the beginning of the Reception year, we use a Baseline Assessment to record each child's ability upon entry to school
  • The children's performance at the end of reception is captured as children perform across a series of early learning goals, aiming to leave with a 'good level of development' or GLD.
  • Through Years 1 - 6, children are assessed with respect to their performance through the expectations of the national curriculum, as set out in subject progressions. 
  • Children are recorded as working "below", "working towards ARE" or "working above ARE" - where ARE is "age related expectations".
  • Using various means of assessment, the children's attainments are the subject of pupil progress meetings and ongoing support through interventions and additional input towards maintaining good progress.

At the October parents' evening, teachers will discuss children's attainment and targets for the year. There will be a second parents' meeting in March, where teachers will further explain children's progress and attainment. A full report in July will give a summary report of progress and attainment through both the core and foundation areas of the curriculum.

A child should finish the year at Age Related Expectation (ARE) If they have not achieved the ARE, they will be "Working towards ARE". However, children who have mastered and exceeded the curriculum for the year group will be working at "Greater Depth."


Reception Aged Children in more detail:

At termly points in the year the children are assessed against the Prime and Specific areas of learning. They are assessed against whether they are “At expected” on their journey towards the Early Learning Goal, or “Below expected,” meaning they may require more time or support to get there.

The early years teams moderate their judgements as phases and with the leadership team through discussion.