This acronym helps us to communicate desired learning behaviours simply and effectively. There is a SCAMP mascot that the younger children enjoy too.
In Friday we celebrate a SCAMP assembly where teachers reinforce and share the SCAMP behaviours of children in their classes. This is a powerful and popular strategy which helps to communicate our beliefs to children and therefore to families. We encourage our children to celebrate good learning behaviour and reward it with recognition and a highly desired sticker! The assemblies help make the link between good behaviour and good learning.
The SCAMP stickers have high currency in our school
We operate a system which recognises the good and discourages the misbehaviour by highlighting as a matter of everyday routine what is going well and rewarding individual children. We encourage a growth mindset behaviour.
Classes will set and reward their own behaviour targets throughout the year as part of Investors In Pupils.
We tailor rewards according to the needs of individuals so that children want to succeed. The children have a voice in their reward systems – at individual and class level. As such reward systems change from class to class, child to child and sometimes week to week. This constant review and reflection of child interest ensures they are engaged, motivated and wanting to achieve success.
A SCAMP sticker designed by one of the children for a School Council competition. The winning designs were by Monty (Y3) and Ella (Y5).